This is the second in a series of posts that give props to blogs that inspire me.
Right now, I’m in Turkey on vacation, so instead of scheduling posts of my own cooking that I can’t respond to, I thought I’d show some of the blogs that keep me interested every week. The things I really like in a food blog include great recipe ideas, stylish photos, a sense of the personality of a blogger (I don’t want it to read like an instruction manual!) and a focus on fresh ingredients.
I watch a few blogs regularly, but there are a few that stand out as being at the top of the heap.
Today, I’d like to highlight a blog called 101 Cookbooks.
When I first started reading this blog, I found myself making recipes from it very regularly. I’ve even posted the results of some of my attempts. Heidi, who writes for 101 Cookbooks, focuses on natural, whole foods and the recipes definitely reflect that goal. The photos are lovely, with almost a cottage kitchen quality to them.

This recipe made me believe that, after a bunch of failed attempts, I could actually cook Indian food. Obviously, I had been using the wrong recipes before.
This recipe was easy to follow, and resulted in an incredible dish that inspired me to look for more good Indian recipes.
I think this was the first recipe I made from 101 Cookbooks. It definitely was not the last.

This is one of MANY quinoa recipes! Yaaaay! I love quinoa, and I was looking for a fun new recipe, and found lots of options. This dish makes a pesto out of broccoli, almonds and parmesan cheese – and lots of garlic.
This dish is super healthy and super tasty. As you can see from the pic, it’s a very fresh and green dish.
This is a perfect summer dish, full of yummy crunchy broccoli!